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It’s 2:51am late November 2019. I wince as I roll out of bed headed to my baby girl’s cries. It’s the 4th time I have woken to her tonight. I pause for a moment to sit on the edge of the bed, tears stinging my eyes. I gather myself and attempt to tense my core as I stand up and walk to her cot. As I pull her to me my back spasms and I stagger back into the rocking chair in the corner of the pitch-black room. Pain radiates through my lower back and then core as I half fall into the chair, holding my 3 week old to my chest. I let out a sob as she continues to scream, so I unhook my bra and her mouth finds me. Tears stream down my face in the darkness, but at least she is now content. 

I sat there and wondered how many other mothers were up with me that night. How many others were in unbearable pain, but had no other choice than to keep going anyway. I sat and wondered what I needed in that moment and if there was really anything anyone could do to help me, support me. They weren’t kidding when they say it takes a village, but wow I never understood this level of self-sacrifice - the will to continue to be everything for this little person regardless of running on fumes or being in excruciating pain. It was this night that I first thought of an idea that could support women in their hours of need. And as I sat there in the darkness feeding my baby girl, a tiny fire lit in my belly to do something about it. 

Having been diagnosed with 2 bulging discs at only 14, I have suffered from lower back pain for more than half of my life. As well as every period, back pain always accompanies my cramps. Unfortunately, I have never found a product that could soothe/support both my stomach and lower back at the same time. I had always used heat packs as a go-to for my menstrual cramps or back pain, but once I had my daughter I quickly realised that there wasn’t much time for thinking about my pain, let alone being able to sit or lie down as I needed with a heat/ice pack. I think I can speak for the large majority of women (and particularly mothers) when I say we tend to put our needs last. Even when we’re in physical or mental pain, if we are needed by our loved ones then we go to the back of the ever-increasing to-do list and become just one more thing on that list. And this is what needs to change.

At Hug & Heal Co. we want to help empower women to take care of themselves first. It may be a cliché, but we cannot and should not fill from an empty cup. But we need to make it simple, so it doesn’t add to that forever-growing mental to-do list, and it can just be as second nature as scratching an itch as it arises. This is where Hug & Heal Co. was born. From a burning desire to show women that they are worthy of the same love and care that they show everyone else.

This starts with having access to a practical product, one that can both support and relieve pain. To have the ability to be on-the-go in a contoured and discreet fit. To feel supported and comfortable while we; go to work, feed our babies, go to the gym, pick up the overflowing washing basket, run after our kids and furbabies, or lay up on the couch. Hug & Heal Co.’s Hug and Heat Belt is just the beginning of our journey to support and heal women in their hours of need.

I see you, we're in this together,

❤ Shan xx